Rudy gay clippers trade

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The Dallas Mavericks, sources said, were also interested in acquiring Calderon but were not prepared to surrender swingman Vince Carter, whom Memphis coveted to help fill the void created by Gay's departure. The Grizzlies also received a 2013 second-round pick from Toronto as part of the deal. Memphis then shipped Calderon to Detroit for Austin Daye and Tayshaun Prince. The Grizzlies, in the midst of a money-motivated makeover, acquired forward Ed Davis and veteran guard Jose Calderon in the deal that also sent backup center Hamed Haddadi to the Raptors.

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The Grizzlies, Raptors and Pistons agreed to a six-player trade Wednesday that sent star swingman Rudy Gay to Toronto. NBA, Toronto Raptors, Memphis Grizzlies, Detroit Pistons, Dallas Mavericks

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